Working for the liberation of all beings everywhere. Bringing higher consciousness to the planet, one eternal moment at a time.

Blueline Basics

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Below you'll find a list of UI (user interface) skills necessary to navigate around the editor.

Open the editor (and also to close the editor). It is a toggle.
left arrow
Switches into panel on the left through the GODD editor carousel of panels.
right arrow
Switches into panel on the right through the GODD editor carousel of panels.
Panel Carousel
General - View - Objects* - Walls* - Domains* - Path - Points - Mesh
The '*' indicates the only panels that matter for beginners.
down arrow
Select next object/wall/domain (depending on which panel you are on.
For example if current panel is Objects, then down arrow will take you from Object 0 to Object 1, or Object 3 to Object 4.
When you get to the end you jump to the beginning.
up arrow
Select previous object/wall/domain (depending on which panel you are on
For example if current panel is Walls, then up arrow will take you from Wall 5 to Wall 4, or Wall 0 to last wall in the list.
When you get to the beginning you jump to the end.
Zoom in. Objects/Walls/Regions will be larger and appear closer up.
(X)oom out. More of the map is visible on the screen. And, every looks like you are further away from it.
Grid will toggle on/off
Dots painted on the screen to show the snap-to layout
Center the selected item (object/wall/domain) in the editor window.
Move mouse over an object/wall/domain until the blue-ish selection color shows.
hover, rt click
Select the object/wall/domain.
The blue-ish highlighting will indicate which item is about to be selected.
hover, rt click, hold, drag
Select and move object/wall/domain.
The blue-ish highlighting will indicate which item is about to be moved/dragged.<
rt click without hover
This will redraw the map so that the point you clicked is the center. This means that you right click on empty space -- not on an object, domain or wall because if you do then you'll just select the item.
Can be used to jump around the map to edit different areas.
Save current edited version of the map/orb.
Load the map/orb from the harddrive. (Do this after each save.)
Used for accessing panel fields (textboxes). By hoving the mouse cursor over a textbox and pressing spacebar the text can be edited.
Used to remove existing text in field so that new value(s) can be input.
rt click (in texture field)
This will open the texture selection window.