Working for the liberation of all beings everywhere. Bringing higher consciousness to the planet, one eternal moment at a time.
Price: $32.97
This workshop explores basic issues of Being and Nothingness in a powerfully practical and extremely experiential fashion. It accomplishes this by framing it under the subject of invisibility and immediately gives the secret of invisibility as, The living wont see the dead. Not cant see, but wont. This little nugget of wisdom is from Beetlejuice a must see classic bardo video.
Mr. Gold opens a door to Bardo spaces by presenting the conclusion that you must be dead to be invisible. The key is given as, In order to be dead you have to be, at least, as if not here at all. It has to be a world without you, a world in which you do not exist. As long as theres a crumb of ego, you cant be invisible. But as soon as you can see a world that you do not exist in, a world in which you are not, thats your crossover point the world in which you dont exist, thats the first place youll be existing. Until then, you as if exist.
Enigmatic as this may sound, it becomes even more enigmatic upon listening to the entire workshop. However, clues and exercises are given for a lifetime of follow-up work. Oz Fritz